Volunteer Service in Geracomiums
So as to further implement the learning-from-Lei Feng activity, enhance students’ awareness of social responsibility, carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation in terms of respecting and loving the elderly as well as intensify youthful students’ consciousness of respecting and caring for the old, on the morning of 10th March, Anqing Foreign Language School’s Youth League Committee organized members of the voluntary association to head for the geracomium in Lao Feng Town to conduct activities to take care of and love the seniors.
To be specific, carrying the meticulously prepared sentimental items, students entered the old people’s home in an orderly queue, which was warmly received by the elderly. On entering the geracomium, volunteers strove to be the first to deliver the sentimental items, chatted with the old people and helped clean up the nursing home, which enabled the seniors to feel the concern and ardent love from the volunteers.
In summary, this grand event is a part of a series of activities with regard to the learn-from-Lei Feng activity month in March, 2017. Also, it is an annual event for Anqing Foreign Language School. The voluntary association kept changing year by year, however, this compassion offering campaign was handed down from generation to generation, becoming a continuous love relay activity. More remarkably, by means of this grand event, students not only spared no pains to offer love, but also learned to be on intimate terms with the seniors and care for them so that students were able to sublimate their thoughts.



